Wednesday 5 December 2012

Imprinting an emotion

Negative emotional responses that keep recurring often have a root cause - a time when they imprinted on our neural pathways.  I have done quite a lot of work on these negative and recurring emotions, triggered by someone in my life at present. Somehow they keep re-surfacing.When asked where I thought the root cause of these emotions was coming from I recalled a time when I was about 14 years old which has generally been the time that seemed to have the biggest impact on me. Bullying, peer pressure and teenage angst being what it is! After doing some work on this I was still feeling emotional and so was asked again for the earliest time I felt this way. I was transported back to primary school and some mild childhood teasing which had left me feeling hurt and humiliated. The neural pathways that were set down at that time had set the pattern for future my responses and behaviours. Seeing that event for what it was and noticing what these small children were trying to achieve for themselves helps me to put it to rest - then and now. My behaviours and responses from here on in can be more in line with who I am at heart. -Yay. Go well. - Anna

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