Tuesday 18 December 2012

Happy endings - new beginnings.

Another RecoveryWorks comes to a close. What a pleasure it is to notice the group's comfort and enjoyment in each others company. How far we come in 10 weeks :) Some members of the group are obviously in a different space from where they were 10 weeks ago. For others they are yet to easily notice how the information they are assimilating is affecting their way of being in the world. I trust that each person is moving at their own pace and will make the changes for themselves in the way that is right for them. Go well graduates. Merry Xmas. - Anna

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Imprinting an emotion

Negative emotional responses that keep recurring often have a root cause - a time when they imprinted on our neural pathways.  I have done quite a lot of work on these negative and recurring emotions, triggered by someone in my life at present. Somehow they keep re-surfacing.When asked where I thought the root cause of these emotions was coming from I recalled a time when I was about 14 years old which has generally been the time that seemed to have the biggest impact on me. Bullying, peer pressure and teenage angst being what it is! After doing some work on this I was still feeling emotional and so was asked again for the earliest time I felt this way. I was transported back to primary school and some mild childhood teasing which had left me feeling hurt and humiliated. The neural pathways that were set down at that time had set the pattern for future my responses and behaviours. Seeing that event for what it was and noticing what these small children were trying to achieve for themselves helps me to put it to rest - then and now. My behaviours and responses from here on in can be more in line with who I am at heart. -Yay. Go well. - Anna

Tuesday 4 December 2012

A reminder for me to relax!

During our RecoveryWorks course today, I was reminded how good it is for me to relax and utilise a visualisation process to change my state. Talk about 'do as I say and not as I do'! I have been busy and stressed with a lot on and big changes in my life but have not made time for exercise or mindfulness. As I entered a relaxed and trance like state today in the group I felt the familiar popping of the release of muscles at the base of my skull. No wonder I have had a permanent headache for the past few weeks. :(   An easy, quick and painless tool. - Feeling much better. :D - Anna

Activities @ MHAPS

All MHAPS (Anxiety Support, Bi-Polar, CAS, Latnam House, and Awareness) clients are welcome to attend – phone Reception for more information or to register  365 9479.

·         Breathing, Relaxation and Mindfulness, 6 – 7.30 (moving to a different night in 2013) with Rosemary Mannering – physiotherapist.
·         Awareness Consumer group - afternoons, monthly. Contact Kelly at MHAPS for more information.
·         Workshops for Wellbeing 1 – 3pm fortnightly - a smorgasbord of things to try from Laughter to Art.
·         Carols for Christmas  12 – 1pm with Rachel Bayliss (until Christmas)
·         Peer Weight Group  1.30 – 2.30pm fortnightly,  facilitated by Holly from Bi-Polar Support
·         Fun Dance 2.15 – 3.15pm facilitated by Tracey Lynch from Comcare Activelinks.

Remember also that there are support groups, education programmes and information evenings which you may be able to attend. Please talk to a Peer Support Worker about what else is available. If you have an idea or something you think we may be able to offer please let us know; we are always open to new opportunities.

2013 Programme

Our 2013 programme of Forum and Topic meetings is up. Check it out here: http://www.anxietysupport.org.nz/

Thursday 22 November 2012

Issues with Hoarding?

Issues with Hoarding?
If you would be interested in a support group for people suffering from compulsive hoarding, please contact our office (377 9665) to register your interest.
For more about hoarding click on the link below...

About hoarding

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Take charge of your energy level and depression with movement and posture.

Full article here....Posture and Depression

Topic Meeting: Happiness is…what exactly…?

Tuesday December 4th, Clem McGrath, Life Coach Associates

Our speaker has co-authored 2 books, ‘Real Life: Living Skills for the Living,’ and ‘The Way to Freedom.’
Christmas is the time of ‘good will,’ ‘good cheer’ and the expectation is that we will be happy.  These messages are promoted in a variety of ways, most of them with commercial attachments.  You will be happy because of what you receive from others and they will be happy because of what they receive from you. The more expensive the gifts the happier you’ll all be. Yet for many people Christmas is a difficult time, it doesn’t meet our inflated expectations and no amount of ‘getting’ seems to make for lasting happiness.  Perhaps however Christmas is symptomatic of something else, unease.  Clem McGrath’s colleague, Anne Harvey wrote in an article titled ‘What Are We Waiting For’ that ‘….we spend our entire day torturing ourselves, trying to make ourselves fit a story.’  Clem will address these questions: -
  • What is happiness exactly?
  • Is happiness overrated or an unreasonable ask?
  • Can we be happy, even though we’re anxious?
  • How do we ‘become happy’, or is it some else’s job to ‘make’ us happy?
  • Do we need to go looking for happiness and if so where is it?
  • Or, does happiness happen whilst we’re busy doing something else?
Phone our office  (03) 377 9665 for more info.

Forum Meeting: Anxiety and Mental Illness

Wednesday November 21st: Maxwell Pankhurst, clinician, Anxiety Disorders Unit

Anxiety can be a significant mental health issues in its own right, especially for those whose anxiety is high, chronic or both.  Anxiety is frequently ‘comorbid’ with other mental illnesses, depression is a good example.  Managing or treating a specific anxiety can be exacting enough but how is anxiety treated in the presence of other mental health and related issues.  Maxwell will discuss: -
  • What is the overall approach to the treatment of anxiety?
  • How does this approach change if other mental health issues are also present?
  • Are all mental health issues managed collectively or can treatment of one take priority over others?
  • Is it important to understand which mental health issue may have been a precursor to another?
  • When does it become compelling to involve a psychiatrist in comorbid treatment?
For more info phone our office (03) 377 9665.

Wellness Workshop

Wellness Workshops are an opportunity for you to try out different ways of managing your wellness. There are many ways in which people gain benefits for their mental and physical wellbeing. Workshops are one off sessions for you to come along and give something a go.
Laughter, Tuesday December 4th

“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” ~ Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.
Wellness Workshops are open for anyone to attend subject to availability of places. If you would like to register please contact our office on (03) 377 9665 or email info@anxietysupport.org.nz
Our Wellness Workshops programme for the first quarter of 2013 will be published in mid-January.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Wellness Workshop: Tues Nov 6th -  Aromatherapy
Ph 377 9665 for more info/register.
Topic Meeting: "Sleep, sleep, my kingdom for a good night’s sleep!" 
Tuesday November 6th: Dr. Alex Bartle, Sleepwell Clinic
For those of us who struggle to get a good night’s sleep (and for some it seems they never do) a restful and full night’s sleep is an ideal of bliss! 
Dr. Alex Bartle is one of New Zealand’s leading authorities on sleep and how to create the circumstances that lead to good, sound sleep.  You’ll probably learn more from him than reading any number of books and advice columns. 
This Topic could be standing room only: -
Why do we need sleep?
Why can it be so difficult, or even impossible to get good sleep?
What can we do to help ourselves to sleep soundly?
What about sleeping pills, herbs and other remedies?
Please phone our office for more info on 377 9665.

 Sleep Disorders Overview video


Breathe your stress away and enjoy a better quality of life!

The Art of Living Foundation is offering two more FREE De-Stress courses during November:
8 – 11 November and 22 – 25 November
Thurs & Fri – 6:30pm – 8:45 pm  Sat & Sun 10am – 2:45 pm
Increased personal power
Tension-free body
Anxiety-free mind
Emotional stability
Heightened mental clarity
Increased energy levels
...and a good night’s sleep!
Registrations essential – free call: 0508 Artofliving or
Ph. 0508 2786 354

Thursday 18 October 2012

For 10 Thursdays from  11th October 2012.
Time:  1:00pm
Where:  MHAPS – cnr Peterborough and Colombo Streets.
A great way to have fun and burn calories!


Contact Tracey 377 7020 or 021 383 007 to book your place.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

PODCAST: Ian talks about Anxiety Support

 Click here to hear the full broadcast.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Wellness Workshops @ Anxiety Support

Wellness Workshops are an opportunity for you to try out different ways of managing your wellness. There are many ways in which people gain benefits for their mental and physical wellbeing. Workshops are one off sessions for you to come along and give something a go.
The next Wellness Workshops are: -
MOVEMENT, October 23rd
AROMATHERAPY, November 6th
TAI CHI, November 20th
LAUGHTER, December 4th
Wellness Workshops are open for anyone to attend subject to availability of places. If you would like to register please contact our office on (03) 377 9665 or email info@anxietysupport.org.nz

Forum: Anxiety and Medications. Wednesday October 24th

With Dr. Carolyn Bell, psychiatrist, CDHB Anxiety Disorders Unit.
Many people are conflicted about taking medication prescribed for
anxiety. Some resist this form of help; yet others regard it as a lifeline. Many people on medication stop taking it too soon or too suddenly, either because they were never really comfortable with it or because they felt they no longer needed it. It is important to understand why medication is prescribed, how it works and how to safely manage it. Dr. Bell’s knowledge will help you better appreciate the role prescription medicines can play in creating the conditions for recovery from anxiety.
Topics to be discussed will include:
•What is an anti-depressant and what does it do?
•Why are anti-depressants prescribed for people with anxiety?
•What are the different types of anti-depressant?
•What do I do if my anti-depressant doesn’t seem to help me, or has unpleasant side effects?
•When prescribing an anti-depressant what guidance should my doctor give me?
Please contact our office on (03) 377 9665 or email info@anxietysupport.org.nz for more info.